Is it really necessary for credit card companies to have your social security number? I hate that they use it for the ID number. This drives me crazy. It should NOT be used routinely! It should NOT be in their system. Having just spoken with my cc company, I asked them to remove it and was told that could not be accomplished. Further, I was talking with somebody on another planet. Grrrrr! Actually she was helpful which is some kind of first but this was a basic issue.
When credit card companies ask for my SIN # (same as your SS) I tell them I don't give that out and they usually take something else. The other thing not to give out is your mother's maiden name as that's used for a lot of security checks.
I used to tell companies "I don't have one" then about in the mid-90's they started saying thasn you can't have credit. Which is bad when you want to buy a home. GOtta build that FICA score. It is bad that everything is linked to that number which makes it easier to steal identities. At least most schools of higher education are finally using a different number. Univ of CO changed a few years back, just before I graduated I got a new student number, which was not my SS#. Of COurse, now everytime I want to check my transcripts, I can't remember the number! LOL. Oh well, life goes on. Hey Ruff, love the new digs!