At school, a white board is like a chalkboard but it's a white shiny surface and you write on it with dry erase markers. I have a set of markers in 8 different colors. It's very pretty and much more fun to use than chalk! Are you talking about a "whiteboard" feature in this forum? That I have no idea!
I *think* it is so that people who visit your profile (i.e. your "friends" on the board) can leave you notes on your whiteboard just as someone might leave a note on the dry erase board on your refrigerator or something. Maybe it's akin to a Facebook wall.
Your white board note makes sense. The only hitch with that is: How often do we go into our profiles? Those messages will be sitting there for a while before they are ever noticed.
Yeah, I think the white boards are pretty impractical for us. On the Ryan Adams board I post on sometimes, there are a bazillion members there, and the profile pages are used more for chatting between small groups of friends.
We have that already, really. And I don't even use it over there, either. If I need to talk to just one person, a private message seems to be the best way to do that.
Well, well... this is what I've found out. White boards are easy to use, very much like writing a quick reply to someone it seems. You click on their name, and in the profile area, a white board shows up, called a white board even. Go figure, LOL. Write it, send it and the person receives notification of a white board message just below their name/login on the upper right corner of the main page. The notice disappears once you've read them or gone to your profile.