The message posting is confusing. Posts go up everywhere. The same post can show up in different places, yet others don't. There seems to be all different kinds of places for posting. What controls which post shows up where, or not? Is there a way to get control of all this, or is it a case of understanding the rules + dynamics of each particular situation?
Why is it that every message I post on other people's sites also shows up on mine?
Yet, there's a sub-group of comments which seems to be only on the main site. So, if I respond there, then it does not show up on the other person's site which must mean the other person needs to show up to read the response?
What is 'Wall to Wall? and what is happening if I post on that? It there another choice for a response?
I think I can turn off the e-mail thing.....every post everyone sends my way is also showing up in my e-mail.
My granddaughter IM'd me this eve which was a lot of fun. She's 14 and she was cooking supper for the entire family. Awesome!
For starters, yes indeed, you can modify what alerts you get via email. If you intend to check Facebook regularly, you shouldn't really need email alerts. I mostly go to Facebook when someone sends me a message or posts on my wall, so I receive the email alerts for those so I'll know to go check it.
As far as the rest...I will see if I can explain it. It can be a bit overwhelming and a little confusing -- especially when they keep changing the layout.
Basically, there are different ways to post a message -- or, I should say -- different kinds of messages. You can:
Send a message -- this is like a PM. Just between you and whoever you're sending it to. It can even be between multiple people, but it is private and goes to your Facebook inbox.
Post on the Wall -- You can go to anyone's page that you are friends with and post something on their wall. That would be like our shoutbox -- anybody can see it. (Clicking Wall-to-Wall just shows you the complete back-and-forth conversation between two people who have been posting on each other's walls.)
Post a Note -- This is like a blog, but on Facebook. In fact, my blog (that is privately hosted on a separate domain) updates to Facebook notes via an RSS feed. Notes are for just writing whatever you want to, and not to anyone in particular, though you can "tag" certain people in your note if you wish.
Status Updates/Photo Comments/Etc. -- There are many places on Facebook where you can make a comment. When someone has a status update, you can comment on that. Same for if they have pictures posted, or if they write a note, etc. It's just that, instead of posting something in general to their wall, you are posting to a particular thing. You can think of that as different "threads" so to speak.
As far as the Home page goes -- when you log in to Facebook, you will see a News Feed on your Home page. That just shows you what everyone you're friends with is doing, saying, etc. For example, you'll see the most recent status updates from your friends, and also if someone has posted new pictures, etc. If you post on something you see on your Home page News Feed, it will still show up on that person's page. It is just a way that you can do it without going to each person's individual page.
Your page will also have a News feed of what you do. It will show who you've become friends with, whose wall you've posted on, whether you've posted pictures, etc. You can delete things from your News Feed if you don't want it to show up.
Does this help at all?
It is hard to explain because Facebook does so many things, but you will get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Thnks you so very much! I'm going to sit down with this tonight.
One more question:
Is it possible to delete a single post? Couldn't find info about this last night.
I have a friend from work who is a very nice and caring person but on Facebook there's another side that I've never seen before. The language is a bit more than I like and my granddaughter is visiting and posting with me as well. I'd like to keep the friend but remove a post if that's possible.
If she posted something on your wall, or on your page in any capacity, you can remove it. Simply roll your mouse over the post, and you should see a button appear (probably to the right of the post) that says "Remove."
If it's on her page and it's showing up on your News Feed, do the same thing and look for the button to appear that says "Hide."
Ruffles, I'm gla d I'm not the only one that was overwhelmed with Facebook! I need to spend a little more time learning it too. Thanks everyone for the tips!!!