What are you doing? How are you spending your Easter?
Dinner is at my daughter's. I'll be meeting a chorus friend at church who will be joining us for dinner. She was with us on Christmas also. We had a great time.
We just got home last night after a few chilly days in Ottawa. Aunt Margaret had a lovely 100th birthday with friends and family, and even had a dance with the Mayor of Ottawa who brought greetings from the city. She's quite an amazing lady.
We picked up Paris in Montreal and flew back with her. The whole family was at the airport and we had dinner together before everyone headed home.
Spring arrived while we were gone...amazing what a few warm days can bring. The forsythia and daffodils are out, the ornamental cherries are a mass of pink blossoms and the magnolias are starting to bloom.
Tomorrow, I'm cooking a roast of lamb with roasted asparagus and new potatoes. It's supposed to be a nice day and we're hoping to get out for a nice walk with the dog.
I hope every one has a lovely Easter!
-- Edited by meggie on Sunday 12th of April 2009 01:54:07 AM
Sounds lovely, Meggie, and Ruff, I hope your time is as nice as it sounds, too.
We're doing the sunrise service at the beach where we will have a couple of baptisms before heading back to the regular service at the church. I made a big pot of paella tonight so tomorrow is a restful day at home and we'll have leftovers (my sons' favorite leftovers, I might add).
Light, a sunrise service on the beach sounds lovely! It's 32 here this morning, so the Easter bunny has a little frost on his cottontail, LOL!
Meggie, what a wonderful time! Did Paris fly all the way home with you? I hope you had a great visit with her.
I am recovering from a childhood illness -- I caught fifth disease from the first graders who are passing it around like jellybeans. I felt ill last weekend, but I thought I was having hot flashes, LOL! Then Wednesday night the red lacy rash started to appear. I went to the school nurse and asked if adults could get fifth disease and yes they can and yes I did. **eye roll** I saw my own doctor as well who showed me a picture of the rash -- it looked like a picture of my own arm. I feel fine, just a little bit itchy, and I've decided I'd rather have fifth disease than the lice the first graders were passing around in the fall. Remind me not to get too close to first graders!!!
LOL at the image of the Easter Bunny with frost on his cottontail! He'd be drenched here as we're having a downpour.
We had a direct flight from Montreal so Paris was with us for the 6 hour flight. We watched Madagascar 2 and the first part of Marley and Me, drew pictures on a little white board I brought, and made hand puppets out of the barf bags. The people around us enjoyed our version of 'the vampire and the princess'.
KK, you have to watch those grade ones! They're germy little critters. It's a wonder primary teachers aren't constantly sick with what those kids bring to school. A friend of mine has been off all week with pink eye, another charming, highly contagious 'jelly bean'. Hope you feel better soon.
Easter was lovely! I got up early -- WAY TOO EARLY -- for the "Sonrise" service at church, and then we had breakfast and I spent most of the rest of the day with my family. My brother even bought me lunch -- sweet!
I was about to fall over last night at 9:30. I couldn't figure out why I was so tired -- and then I remembered what time I'd gotten up!
Meggie, your flowers are slightly ahead of ours by just a few days. Our forsythia is open now but wasn't open in time for Easter. The first daffodils are open but mine are not. The magnolias are not even close. I haven't seen any trees of any type blooming here.
KK, sorry to hear you ended up catching something from the kids. Ah, the lovely things kids will share with you if given half the chance ;) :)
Ruff, interestingly enough, 5th's disease got it's name due to the fact it was the 5th viral illness determined to cause a rash. LOL, what a claim to fame, huh? It's not too bad unless caught by someone who's pregnant.
Fifth disease sounds better than parvovirus B19, its real name. My husband came down with it over the weekend and broke out with the rash this morning, so I got to share the love, LOL!!! I guess neither of us had it as kids so we get to have our second childhood now. :D
You got FIFTH disease from FIRST graders?! LOL ... too funny!
As long as it wasn't too uncomfortable, sometimes a couple of sick days can be a good thing! Sort of like when I had chicken pox, I couldn't go to school but I had a mild case, so it was sort of a fun time at home for me.
So, is Fifth Disease like chicken pox in that if you get it once you never get it again?
And speaking of... I hate that note that comes home from the school "Head lice has been found in your child's classroom...." Ugh. Sends fear into the hearts of mothers! I feel itchy just thinking about it!
Our Easter was pretty quiet. We had dinner on Good Friday at my brother's house and dinner on Easter Sunday with my parents and sister and her family. There's a big Easter parade in Toronto, and my kids went in the parade with my father's Lions Club, who have an antique firetruck they take in parades. Having recently returned to church, I really wanted to go on Easter, but I haven't involved the kids at this point, and Emily flat out refused to go. She said she didn't want to go to no "yucky church", that all her friends told her that church is "yucky" and she doesn't want to go. I think this is something I'll have to work on slowly, and Easter Sunday wasn't the day to do it. Anyway, the rest of our Easter weekend, was pretty much just a pajama weekend. It was nice!
Things are finally starting to warm up here. Nothing really blooming yet in my area, but I have hope! Tomorrow is supposed to be a gorgeous day. Emily is going to be on tv tomorrow. One of the Toronto stations is doing the noon news from in front of Sick Kids hospital, and she's going to be interviewed during the weather segment from the front of the hospital. I was going to let her father take her, but it's going to be a such a beautiful day, and the thought of missing it was killing me, so I'm taking off for a few hours to go watch in person. I was checking to see if it could be seen online so that you all could see her, but no luck! She's just shy of $2000 now. I cannot tell you have truly touched I am at how kind and supportive and generous people have been. It has been an amazing experience for Emily, and for me.
Fifths is a virus that lives in the environment. It is a parvovirus, but not one that infects dogs, just humans. Incubation period is 4 to 14 days, communicable prior to the rash erupting. We don't think it is communicatable after the rash erupts.
Usually no symptoms except the rash which is lace like and often itchy. The disease is very common in kids, and causes a "slapped cheek" appearance. Sometimes adults have joint pain "and arthralgias", arthritis like symptoms. Treatment is comfort care for otherwise healthy people, manage symptoms.
And that's what I know!
Glad to hear you all had a nice Easter and Passover. John got called into work for an emergency and so we had a quiet day at home. I cooked a prime rib roast dinner yummy.
I didn't miss any work, just took a lot of tylenol for the headache it was giving me. I didn't realize I had it until I got the rash and by then I wasn't contagious. In fact, I ushered on Palm Sunday when I was feeling so feverish -- handed out palms and bulletins to about 500 people, so I was a regular typhoid Mary, LOL! I kept asking "do hot flashes feel like fever?" *rolling eyes* I blame everything on hormones these days.