You would think, that after all the talk about the T driver in Boston, who was texting while driving and subsequently injured 50 people in an accident, people would be conscious about their driving behaviors. Today, I was behind a woman who had a very young child in a child's seat in the rear section of her car. I could see the top of his hair. We were doing over 40 and maybe close to 50 mph. She fixed her hair. She had both hands and elbows raised over her head, grabbed her hair together, fixed it into a pony tail and then proceeded to twist it around into a bun and fasten it up. This took a LOT of time to accomplish. Her car was moving forward with no loss of speed what-so-ever! The car went up a little incline and around a slight curve during the process and I have no idea how that was accomplished. After this, she kept turning around to her child and reaching out to him with her entire right arm. It was as if he needed attention for something. Everytime she did this, the car veered off toward one side or the other. This was crazy! It leaves me shaking my head. I was thankful when I didn't need to be driving behind her anymore.
Brrr, some drivers are too scary. How the heck do you take your car around a curve without using your hands? Cell phones can be banned while driving, but how do you legislate stupidity?
I agree, some drivers are plain scary! I've seen people "steer" with their legs which could be how she managed around the curve. Something I certainly would NOT recommend!
It's amazing to sit at a stop light and watch the number of people coming through the intersection talking on a phone!
And may I just add, since this is on the GL Forum, that I don't think Clayton Boudreau should be driving a car right now, since he is so distraught over losing all his money......I can just picture his big ole fingers on that blackberry instead of the steering wheel!
We were driving with a Real Estate agent about a year ago. That woman drove with her knees! She could drive, text on her cell, shuffle through her listings for directions, and eat all at the same time. She was a little scarey!!