It's a story of a Canadian musician whose guitar was allegedly damaged by United. United was refusing to honor his claim so the musician created a U-tube video about it which has become a hit. There's a link to his video within the article. You'll like it.
This was on our news tonight. United has been deluged with complaints and is in full damage control now. I love that they are planning to use the song as part of their customer service training program. The fellow that wrote the song said he's getting more publicity than he ever dreamed.
He should write one about Air Canada and it's 'service'.
This was wonderful!! I love it! The casting for the airport employees was wonderful, as was the added touch of the baggage guys playing catch.
My guess is the guy will get a new guitar, with apologies... as well he should. :) More power to him, the "little guy" on the other end of big corporation disinterest...
and btw, for all you night owls, they interviewed the guy on a morning news show this morning :) He seems quite reasonable. He didn't ask for a new guitar, just what it cost to repair it, and he even offered to take airline vouchers in the amt it cost him to repair the guitar but they said no. Well, that was then... wonder what they're saying now.