This year my butterfly bush did something I wasn't expecting. For the past couple of years it's been a nice, well behaved bush. This spring it shot up several long, much taller than I am, branches which became woody and quickly began weeping over in large sweeping arches. It looks as if this is the way it wants to be which could be a lovely thing but it is hanging into the walk through path. Next year a decision will need to be made about either moving the bush or rearranging the flower beds there. In the meantime, would it be all right to cut the woody branches back for the winter?
It continued to flower during much of the summer and was a big draw for the butterflies. Fritillaries love it. Swallowtails, both tiger and black, spent time there and a Monarch finally showed up at the very end of September. It spent most of the afternoon feeding there. There were lots of honey bees and some bumble bees also. Even the hummingbird gave it a try.
You can prune the butterfly bush but you should wait until it goes dormant if you are going to hard prune it. They are very hardy and grow along the roadsides here with absolutely no care but can really get large if they aren't pruned. They'll grow to about 8 feet in a year and then fill out from the roots.
I got a beautiful hybrid this year that is a peachy pink colour instead of the traditional purple. I'm curious to see how it does over the winter and if it reverts to the purple.
Thanks! For the past couple of years it died all the way back and then sent up new growth in the spring. This year it took hold as if it owns the place! It gave lots of blossoms. I like its situation because I can position myself to photograph the butterflies when they are backlit. It's gorgeous when the sun comes through their if the soul of a stained glass window has come to life. I have no idea as to what the best solution is.
PEACHY pink? Sounds exceptional. Hope it takes for you.
Light: This is a wonderful site! I've learned a lot from it and have it bookmarked. It sounds as if the butterfly bush could be managed with the right sort of pruning. Mine is the Black Knight, 8-12 feet tall!!!!!. It was knee high when new and then hip high last year. Now, it's reaching for the sky, so it seems. According to this, in my zone, all the growth dies when frosted so all of that will need to be cut back anyway. They are right when saying the old dead flowers do not fall away. They need to be dead headed. The bush is quick to grow side branches of good lenth. They flower also.
This is a very helpful site! Thank you so very much.