Evil Stewie, these are my babies. We let Sadie have a litter when she was 2 years old. She had 8 VERY healthy puppies. We sold 7 and kept Morgan. 1st pic is of puppies at about 4 weeks old. next one they are about 2 weeks old. The Last pic is of Morgan at about 1 1/2.
-- Edited by KarenGA on Friday 30th of October 2009 11:25:06 PM
They are the best dogs!! Well, my lifestyle and personality fits well with the breed I'll say that instead. Don't think I'd chance getting a different breed. I love that you kept Morgan and Sadie's natural ears, I think it looks better, and there is no real need, not unless your showing them. I just figured out that is illegal in the UK, which I think is good. Both of them are beautiful!! Here is another of Bubba...
-- Edited by EvilStewie on Sunday 1st of November 2009 08:52:34 AM