Interesting to read all your favorite smells. At 81, I'm just glad to still be around to smell anything. But I concur with all of you! I love the warmth and most of the smells of Florida, but I do enjoy all the seasons. Thanks for sharing.
Ruff, I'm glad you didn't say you liked the smell of your aunt's drawers ;) :) LOL, but I couldn't resist...
and KK how interesting that those of us by the ocean do designate a difference in the smell of high tide and low tide... and even more so if you live by a bay.
Just Jo, meant to mention how nice it's been having you join us in this area of chatter also. I've been too busy to pop in and post to things but have tried to keep up with most of the reading. I'm a Floridian, too, though I'm here all year round... in the Space Coast. Further south of me is referred to as God's waiting room ;) I've lived here long enough to know the 4 seasons we get and lived in NC long enough not to miss the cold or snow (ick to both, imo). I don't know how the rest of the gals do it in their bitter cold and heavy snow storms. And my goodness, what a long drive you had to get down here...
...but anyways, not to highjack the thread, let's get back to the smell discussion ;)
I love the smell of brownies or cookies in the oven...
New baby, fresh from the bath The forest after a warm summer rain The smell of lilacs and magnolias in the air The smell you get when you step out of the plane at a tropical destination.. that musty sort of smell from humidity and the ocean and the warm climate... maybe because it means you're on a tropical vacation?!