So this is the perspective of a very new viewer, but every time Lily comes on the screen she sets my teeth on edge. The actress is very good, it's the character who just drives me nuts! She's so clingy and whiny and clueless. Blech! I know absolutely no history, so this is based on the last few weeks, but first she loves Holden, then Damien, then Holden then Damien... Former GLers, does she remind you of Cassie in that way?
Also, how can Lily and Damien "adopt" Noah? Can you adopt someone who's legally an adult? Wouldn't that make Noah and Luke brothers? And really, hospitals would just let you die if you don't have next of kin? Sorry, I digress, LOL!
I only get a chance once a week or so to watch ATWT and to try to catch up on an entire week of episodes. My friend Jessica has started Tivo'ing it for me, so last night, I picked up a burrito and went over to her house to watch it. My burrito was messy, so her brother was my official fast-forwarder.
Of course, when I'm FFing through Lily/Holden/Damian/Luke/Noah/Meg/Dusty/Teri, some of the episodes don't take too long to get through!
I can tell what those people are saying/doing on FF anyway, since it's the same thing they've all been doing for the past three months -- namely, being whiny and melodramatic.
That would be cool if he was put in as a member of a mainstay family. GL had a lot of really good actors. You might have to update your banner, thought I think its pretty sweet as is
boy for a newbie you sure have lily's number! ;) "clingy, whiny, and clueless." yeah pretty much. i always thought holden and lily were the "it" couple, but now that martha's gone (the previous actress who played lily for about 20 years, starting when she was 15) i'm not so sure anymore.
and icam about the adoption stuff. completely lame! it's amazing how the show can go from so great (everything surrounding brad's death) to so stupid in such a short time!
I'm with jes. I caught myself thinking that if Martha were playing this, she could handle it much better. And I also know that soap stories sometimes come across as overly contrived and this current trip of Jack's seems that to me. I can't figure out why we are given abrupt glipses of characters--some long-gone and some new, bridging quick time travel to so many places--with no in-depth treatments.
Are we seeing synopses prior to a death knell? I thought writing was on the upswing after the summer and early fall episodes, but now I'm not sure. Am I overly pesimistic?
I have no "official" information on Jack's mid-life crisis tour (he he he), but I have been assuming that it's an effort at boosting ratings by having guest spots by beloved characters, and also because they are greeting fans in these towns where Jack is going, which bolsters interest in the show and helps fans feel more "connected."
I am taking it as a good sign that ATWT execs want to pull out all the stops to make sure it has the best chance of survival before it is too late.
i like how molly called it his "personal vision quest." :) speaking of, i'm excited to have molly back in town! molly and carly are such great friends, which is something that's often missing on soaps. and now that holden's free.....
If Jack's "Journey" will in anyway save the show I wish him the best of luck and God's speed to visit as many older character as can be!! ...My afternoon's wouldn't be the same without this show!!!! Here to some future (hoping) hot carjack monkey loving too!!!