Half the town turned out for the Torch Relay today in a sea of red and white. The atmosphere was electric with everyone singing, cheering and waving flags.
I couldn't believe my luck when I was walking back to my car and saw one of my former students had been a torch bearer in the section before where I was standing. He was thrilled to have people stand with him for photos. I put on my red mittens and a man who had taken his child's photo offered to take mine on my camera. It was a once in a lifetime thrill.
Each torchbearer has their own torch which is lit for the time they run/walk. They do a 'kiss' with the next torch to light it, then a volunteer disables the last torch.
meggie, that is just so cool! I can't wait for Friday night. Opening Ceremonies are always my favorite part of the entire fortnight, and I can't wait to see your city & country shine.
As an aside, not sure if you read this or not, but our ship's charter has been canceled. The agency in Edmonton that contracted the charter canceled due to much lower than expected bookings. The ship, however, will be parked in Victoria for a couple weeks to underdo a previously scheduled "drydock" (repair period) that was going to take place even if the ship had been docked in North YVR.
I can't wait for Friday either. The Opening Ceremony is my favourite too. We've been involved in this for seven years, and just want it to get started.
Cancelling the Star was a big story here, especially because there were several Make a Wish children involved. They were given free accomodation in local hotels and hopefully, everyone else was found alternate accomodation. The news was careful to say that it was the charter company that had cancelled, not NCL, but it can't have been good publicity for you. I'd hoped to see your lovely ship in the harbour.
I wondered what was happening with the ship. It's very interesting to know that she is going into drydock in Victoria.
Meggie, how incredibly exciting to be having this happen right in your own city!!! Are you seeing any of the athletes yet? It would be so much fun to be there. My feb break is coming up! I wish I had the funds to come visit. The atmosphere must be incredible!