The speed skaters have lanes that are very clearly marked. This has nothing to do with the cross over point but France/Contin's skate went over the lane line at least 3 different times during his race. Does this matter? Is it legal?
It is no problem as long as they have the intention to go back to their own lane except when they are in the corners. They are not allowed to touch the little red "things" (I don't know what they are called in english).
You obviously know something about the skating. I find your remark about about not knowing what the little red "things" are called in English fascinating. Where are you? If you would be willing to share a little, I would love to know something more about you.
I'm from the Speedskating Nation of the world, The Netherlands. I don't know if you have heard about Sven Kramer's mistake (or maybe you have seen it) but the entire country was in mourning. Almost 7 million dutchmen have seen his race against Skobrev and saw the mistake his coach made. That is a lot because there are about 16 million people living in Holland.
I'm a huge Trent Dawson fan. I love him as Henry Coleman. I've been watching ATWT since I was about 16 years old, I'm now 37, so about 20 some years. The only problem is we are running about 1 year and 7 months behind you guys in the US. I live in the east of The Netherlands near the German border and I run my own travelagency.
What happened to Sven has been one of the recent Olympic head liners. CNN posted it as a 'Stunning Gaffe'. It has been replayed several times. Even though I never heard of Sven Kramer before this, I feel terrible for him. I would not, for all the world, want to be the coach who has to live with this. ............ Sven does have a gold medal from another race. Thank goodness for this. He deserves a huge warm embrace from all of his fans at home.
It is very rewarding to have Trent as a key player in ATWT. He is marvelous. I hope he can make a good life for himself once ATWT comes to its end.
Which story lines are happening for you now?
Everyone here in our forum first connected because of GL or ATWT. Once upon a time we were all strangers to each other. LOL! Some nice friendships have developed as a result. We are a mix of USA and Canadian citizens. I hope you will continue to post and share with us. I would love to hear your perspectives and get to know you.
Don't worry, Sven will get a warm welcome when he gets home, we all feel so sorry for him. All the dutch athletes are invited to come to Haarlem on tuesday and celebrate with the dutch people. Four years ago when they came back from Torino there was even an american athlete there, oooh, I forgot his name. Just wait it will come to me in a minute. On wednesday they are going to the queen. And after that everybody will probably be honoured in their hometowns.
At the moment, Holden and Lily just split up, Lily is with Mike and Holden is with Carly. James is returning this week, can't wait to see that. What else is happening, Aaron and Alison just got engaged, Henry works with Bonnie at Metro, Meg just found out she is pregnant.
Joey Cheek, that was the american who was there 4 years ago.
I'm confident Trent will make a good life for him, he is an excellent actor. Someone will recognise the talent he has got.
Do you know if there are any developments about ATWT, we heard some rumours about the show that they are maybe going to be broadcasted by another company?
All of your ATWT storylines are completely done. LOL! Henry is consistently a very active member now. It's great.
I haven't heard any information that indicates ATWT will be picked up by a different channel. It sure would be nice if this would happen. At one point I asked jes in our ATWT forum. She referred me to her posting of a couple of addresses we could use to promote our interest on behalf of this. One of those sites emphasized that all fan mail must arrive in the form of a post card. Any letter would not be opened by them.
FYI: I don't do a lot of soap board surfing so, if there is more information out there about ATWT, I could miss it. However, if ATWT were picked up by another channel, it certainly would be a head line piece well broadcasted all over the soap boards.
-- Edited by ruffles on Monday 1st of March 2010 11:21:08 PM