There is NO WAY that I can feel comfortable about having any part of myself plastered all over the net. Maybe there will be some control over this in the privacy settings but I am not at all sure, nor secure about any of this. It sounds as if other people will be doing this to you.
We seem to be posting more on Facebook now. Naturally. More of our friends are there. Often now, I find out more about what is happening with you there. It is fun and it is nice and I enjoy your interactions with those who are in other parts of your lives.
Also, my grandchildren post on FB. They are not as sophisticated about the issues of public postings. The idea of a plastered, personal, world wide billboard for them is most disconcerting.
Routinely check your privacy settings to be sure they are set to "friends only" (if that's what you want). Also I won't be clicking any "like" buttons on any other websites. Thanks for the heads up!