Today was an out and about day and a good one for checking in at Tarnow's, which is a favorite nursery. Well, there was the most gorgeous pink hydrangea ever seen sitting right there looking up at me with its big beautiful pure pink blossoms. There went the Mother's Day gift certificate, right on the spot! The hydrangea is sitting in its pot in my back yard right now.
The butterfly bush needs to be moved. It is too big for where it is right now plus it is shading irises. Shading irises is a no-no. The pink hydrangea would work in that spot I think. The butterfly bush has floral buds on it now. Is it all right to move it now? I have no idea what kind of root system it has or how extensive it could be. I don't want to cut it back. Should it be cut back if it is moved? Butterflies love this bush!!!
I'd wait until it flowered, but it has a very long flowering season so that may not be practical. Butterfly bush is very hardy and could probably be moved at any time. They grow wild here along the roads so I'm guessing you could do most anything to them and they'd come back.
Thanks for this info. I also called my nursery and have talked with other friends. ........ Plus I got a gorgeous pink hydrangea which I thought could be put where the butterfly bush is located right now.
The nursery said the 4 year old bush now has an extensive root system and would have to be cut back if it was moved. Neither will it bloom in the shade. Sunny places are at a premium here. The irises need them. The one spot I thought would be good for the bush is too hard to dig. It is loaded with rocks and wouldn't provide a good soil base for the bush. Plus, milkweed grows there and I want this for the Monarch's. So it gets to stay where it is and it will be agressively pruned every fall. It flowers on new growth.