Well, that's not a comforting thought, since I've clicked on a number of sites to see if they were up and to see if I could find some way to contact them and cancel my old board. I hope none of us have been infected with whatever they had that took them down... all we can really do is trust in our Antiviral programs and hope they've worked the way they should.
Yes. I've been checking their home page regularly. My shield has never reacted to it. I have a good shield.............Hmm....Just had a thought. If they've been hacked, they have a stash of credit card numbers in their system, which hopefully are encrypted. .... I've called my cc. They are going to issue a new card with a different number.
It seems Google experienced a major glitch today that lasted for about 40 minutes. That same warning seen on the Xsorbit pages occurred on every page in Google's directory. Big ooopps!
I just clicked on the old link by mistake and it is still Go Daddy, but there is a yellow banner across the top of the page that says (something like) "This domain name expired on January 24 and is pending renewal." I hadn't seen that on there before.
That's been there for a little while. TSY is paid up to 4-4-09. If Xsorbit ever does recover, the board should show up again. It's too bad because, except for their customer service, they had a good thing going. They won't be able to help themselves to another payment off my cc this year because the number has been changed.