Ok you Floridians....Keep warm! And take good care of our oranges. Not sure how well you handle a big chill.
We had a little bit of warm weather here recently. There were 2 days in a row where the temps rose up over freezing which was real nice. The layers of ice loosened up and I was able to clear away a LOT of ice FINALLY! Boy was that good!! One day was 40* or better and I didn't need a coat. Amazing isn't it? It's all relative.
Spring is on the way. Some of the birds are beginning to sing.
Sunday and Monday were the warmer days. Monday is when I cleared a boat load of ice off my deck, i.e. also flat roof over garage. It's definitely cold right now. This morning was better. When I cleared the snow from yesterday's storm, the plowed heap was slushy and wet. By late this afternoon, anything wet was turning into ice.
My birds are well fed.
Starting with Friday, the eight days after that are all going to be above freezing with some pushing close to 50! The ice is going to be GONE!
BBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! LOL! Its about 35 degress here in sunny tropical Miami & the wind chill is in the 20's! But it still beats what you northerners are going thru.
I hate to complain, knowing what you guys in the north are going through. BUT, 20 last night with a 10 hour hard freeze, and same is expected tonight, with high today of 45/windchill 30. Up poor Hamitup's way it was supposed to get down to 17 last night. We in South GA are NOT supposed to get this cold! The heat pumps that heat our houses do not function well in these temps, nor do we have the clothes (and can't find my gloves). In winters past we would get these cold spells maybe once a year, but this is our 3rd hard freeze, and they have all been for multiple days.
There is so much snow here.... I can't see around snow banks when I drive and it's covering half a lane on some roads. It was -24c on my drive to work this morning. Im so tired of winter and snow and cold!
My parents are in Myrtle Beach right now.... it snowed there! My dad is there to golf, but at least he got a few rounds in!
Oh, and I forgot to mention.... on the weekend, we're going above freezing! Crazy weather! i'm going to Niagara Falls for the weekend so I'm grateful for that!
Hey the day it got down into the teens here, we had to go down to KarenGA's area to pick up some meds and do some business and we passed a house whose spinkler had evidently been on and there were icycles hanging from the trees. That is a very unusual sight in this neci of the woods.But thank God the weather is supposed to warm up here this week. Looking forward to actually being able to step out the door without freezing my touche off.
Ugh. It's almost 70 degrees here today. But, in true Virginia fashion, the temps are going to dip back down before the end of the week. We have a lot of those days where you can start out running the heat, switch to the AC, and then be back to the heater at night.