On Sept, 11 0r a few days later, I had posted a frantic note on either the old Diane Board or Sunny Board, asking for help. 9-11 had happened and do many family and friends had thought I was killed that day. I need to know if there is anyone out there with the link or a copy of my post.
Hi Tony. That was an unforgetably horrible time. Thank goodness you are here with us now! We were using Sunny's board then. That site no longer exists. It's been eons since I've heard from Sunny. I have no idea how she is or what is going on in her life.
That's the problem with electronic communication, it is so ephemeral. Unless you print it out or save it to some kind of disk or flash drive (which will probably be outdated by the time you want to retrieve it), it's GONE. I have old letters from high school friends, but email? I rarely print out correspondence, unless it's work related and I need "proof" of something. I know if I just leave it sitting there in my inbox it will be lost.
Same with old message boards. Once the forum closes, it's gone for good. Is there anything left of Dianne's old board? I believe Sunny's was taken down. If you don't pay for a domain, they cut you off, right?
Tony, we ALL remember that fateful day and the message you posted with us. It sent chills down my spine -- still does when I remember it.