For some reason stores are not overly eager to carry peppermintstick icecream. This is my number one favorite summer time treat. Mint chocolate chip just doesn't cut it! Any day that includes a bowl of peppermintstick with my aunt's hot fudge sauce is a happy day! Tomorrow I need to do some grocery errands so I called some supermarkets. When I found one that has the peppermintstick, I told the manager all my summer shopping will be happening at his store. He laughed. I don't eat ice cream as a general rule, but no summer is complete without peppermintstick icecream and hot fudge plus a little whip if there's some handy.
Gee, Ruff, I was going to start a diet thread and this is what I see! What ever happened to the Summer Shedders weight loss support group? I have to go to the doctor at the end of July and figured the first bit of advice out of his mouth would be for me to lose 20 pounds so I thought I might as well get a jump on it. I'm down 8 lbs. in the last two weeks and was doing well not craving sweets. Peppermintstick ice cream with hot fudge sauce--now there's a diet breaker!
I LOVE mint chocolate chip with hot fudge sauce!!! Not so crazy about peppermint stick, sorry Ruff, but if you find it and are serving your aunt's hot fudge sauce, I'll be there in a flash (well, in about 2 hours with no traffic, LOL!).