That nor'easter looks like it's breaking up -- finally!!! Did you see the front page of the Globe? Those houses in Chatham that washed into the sea? It's a precarious place to build, but I guess they'd been there for about 50 years. Reminded me of the Outer Banks.
It has been a cruel spring for baby animals here. Last week I saw Kayla in the back yard tossing around what I thought was a piece of bark. Turned out to be a tiny, dead baby rabbit. She didn't try to eat it, just thought it made a nifty frisbee. Yesterday a baby robin fell out of its nest. I put it in a protected spot, but this morning it was dead. Survival of the fittest is tough on softie baby animal lovers (like me!). :-/
That's so nice, Ruffles. Right now it's like all the birds have vanished, outside of robins and starlings. It's cute to see the babies getting fed by the parents but even that seems to be ending now. Our owls have flown off, the flickers have fledged and I don't think anyone saw the babies, so I guess we have to wait till September for fall migration.
We had a few days of total silence....well, except for the crows. There was no song bird activity plus the chipmunks and squirrels were incognito. Perhaps there was a hawk in the neighborhood. Things seem back to normal now except I've not seen chipmunks. Not sure if the fact that I've been dumping used kitty litter down their holes has anything to do with that.
I think a lot of our birds raise 2 broods per season.
Yesssss...........The iris babies have retired their glory for this year.
KK.........Seems you've questioned your local rabbit's IQ in the past with regard to its determination to set up its nest in Kayla's territory.