Per CNN, it's the El Nino in the Pacific that's calming the storms in the Atlantic. So far this year there have been NO nasty hurricanes for our dear Floridian frineds.
Yes, it's been nice not having a bunch of hurricanes this summer, while still getting rain. It's not over 'til it's over, though, and that's not until November. We still have storms forming off of Africa to keep our eyes on until then, but I'm hoping we will be spared any up close encounters this year. Our 1-2-3 hit year was enough for me...
BTW, today is the 5th yr anniversary of when Frances hit us- the second of our hits and the one I evacuated for (who was forcasted to be coming in as a 4/5 but ended up not so strong but still did a lot of damage since she lingered so long.) Jeanne was the one who really tore up my area, though, as we didn't get to clean up and repair before she hit. She gutted half of the homes in my direct line of sight in my neighborhood. I was spared.
-- Edited by light on Sunday 6th of September 2009 06:57:02 PM