This is crazy! The television is inundated with political ads! They are coming in strings with one after the other, after the other, after the other. As soon as he disses her, she disses him and on it goes. It's like a mud ball match and it doesn't end. Any ad about something other than one of our soon to be senators is nearly nonexistent. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. There's a sitcom burried under all of this. Including the election day, there are 4 days left. (Hands blocking ears. La! La! La! La! La!)
-- Edited by ruffles on Saturday 16th of January 2010 01:04:48 AM
Don't ya just love it? THe over kill is so great that those of us they are trying to reach stop listening. I have long thought that TV advertising for canidates is a HUGE waste of money.
Unfortunatly, the majority of the public makes their election decisions based on who is the prettiest face, and has the flashiest ad's.
Heaven forbid that a member of the American public has to STOP AND THINK or make an informed decision based on thorough investigation of the issues. Or even KNOWING ones self through introspection and personal thought to know which issues matter, and why. Much less taking the time to look at the big picture and deciding how our voting choices will effect the future.
For example, why are the big multinational companies that own the airwaves ignoring the FACT that the tradegy in Haiti IS THE FAULT of the huge multinational corporations?
Haiti is the poorest country in the world because the USA effectively destroyed their agricultural base. Forcing millions to move into shantys in Port au Prince, just to find work--- for an unliveable wage, making widgets for multi national companies. Companies who with the interferance of the US have repeatedly forced corrupt officials into power. We should be ashamed.
Nevertheless, we continue to vote (those of us even bother) for the pretty face, never considering how we have given our country away.
Guess you hit a sore spot! I am so sick of the "Republicans" blaming our problems on the "Democrats" and visca versa. The problem is "We The People" choose to allow the big corporations (this includes the 2 parties) to manipulate us into these petty dog fights, to keep our (mostly empty) minds off the real issues of our time.
Right on, LurkerLibby. Let me know when you're ready to run for office.
I became an independent years ago because I didn't want any party telling me how to vote. I must admit I lean more heavily toward one party because that's where my "Homework" and "channel-hopping' lead me. Sometimes I have to take a hiatus because people and situations get so nasty and ridulous. (One station is on my never-watch-or-I'll-have-a-heart-attact-list.)
I take my voting obligations seriously and love to talk politics, particularly with my friends who see things as I do. But my family and I see eye-to-eye on most things political, so I can always talk to them. (They do their home-work too.)
By the way, Ruffles, hope your election goes the way I want it to. Sounds like it, surprisingly, is going to be a close one.
Luckily the candidates don't advertise on they Center Ice package, so I don't see many of the ads in my house -- only when I watch the news. THEN, holy moly!! Their latest mode of attack is through the telephone, but at least with caller id I can weed most of those out. Imagine my surprise to come home from work and find Barack Obama on my answering machine, LOL!
Seriously, I am anxiously awaiting Tuesday's vote. I worked with Martha Coakley at my first job out of college. I was a paralegal and she was a young associate in the Boston law firm where I worked. She is intelligent and a VERY hard worker. It's so weird when you have known someone and then see how they're treated in the national media. Candidates aren't bad people, even when you disagree with them, but they all seem to get villianized by their opponents. I'm sick of nasty politics and so sorry to see this country has come to this divisive state. I'm reading the Ted Kennedy memoir and the two sides used to disagree, but there was a sense of camaraderie and respect that seems to be missing these days. Very sad.
Yeah, Barry and I go way back! :D Next thing ya know I'll be biking around Martha's Vineyard with him, LOL! I'll see what I can do to get you connected.
Yeah, Barry called me too, but I think it was prerecorded 'cuz he started talking before the outgoing message ended! LOL I think I got a call from Hillary and Michelle too, can't remember.