I just got home from an absolutely fabulous Eagles concert. Incredible...three hours of wonderful music, lots of oldies, lots of new stuff, and can those guys sing and play guitar. Joe Walsh is an amazing guitar player, and had the whole place rocking!
Can you believe I won the tickets in a radio Eagles trivia contest? Thank goodness for google and being quick on the email!! Our seats were great, a bit high but right up from the front edge of the stage so we could see everything. Who knew that GM Place (where the Canucks will win tonight!!) had such great acoustics!
The Eagles have a strong showing on my iPod playlist -- they got me through high school and college, lol! So take it easy and have a tequila sunrise on me, but stay away from that Hotel California and don't be a desperado!
How wonderful for you to have such a marvelous evening. That's the way I felt when I went with a friend to see Straight No Chaser recently. There should be more of this in life! What a beautiful gift for you!
And I have Eagles songs going through my head all day. I'd use my iPod when I walk Kayla, but a) I have to sing to Eagles' songs and I look like a crazy woman and b) one of David's friends swiped my ear buds by mistake!