The sugar maple has leafed out to its max and is now blocking the sun light from my east facing office window. It is an amazing change. The problem it created was an inability to critically view photo images on the computer. It was too dark in the room. Normal tungsten bulbs, with their yellow light make accurate color judgement impossible. The advice I got was to use daylight balanced bulbs. These would be the twirly bulbs and 5000 Kelvin is the color balance which is the same as noon time day light outside. Home Depot has them. Now, I know people are light sensitive and I've seen butterflies react to light but this surprised me. Tuesday evening, the first evening I had the new bulbs in, I was busy with the puter and lost track of time. I didn't look at the clock until I thought I might be tired and it was nearly 3:00 AM !!!!!!!! Boy was I dragging all day on Wednesday!!!! Again, this evening, I have enjoyed a nice 'awake' feeling, but it is 1:00 AM and time for this night owl to call it a day! LOL!
Hey lib! You definitely want to try these bulbs! I have four going here, the equivalent of 100 Watts each.
Home Depot, Ecosmart 100 watt equivalent. Daylight compact fluorescent. Make sure it says 5000K on the base of the bulb itself. That's the color temperature and is the same as daylight noon time.
I love tungstein light because of its warm yellow color and won't ever give that up but the day light bulbs are worth having also.
Thanks Ruff I have been using ful spectrum lights in the house for several years and it helps. THey are good for putting on make-up too. Gonna have to try