Sorry I have been away from the board for so long. I spent the last few months traveling, visiting family and friends and then spent the last month in Paris. I am back home in the USA and boy do I miss being home.
I will be signing on here on a regular basis. I have so much catching up to do.
I needed the trip. It was my last hurrah, because I am now back in school, taking some marketing courses at the local college. The trip was great, the easiest way to describe it is to watch Julie and Julia. I bascially lived that way for the last few months. It was great but I am happy to be back home in the great USA. I did take some pics, it's weird the entire time I wa there I felt like it was home and really take that many pictures. I did go to Amsterdam, just for a day trip. As usual I was overcome with emotion in the Anne Frank house just like the last time I was there. The entire time in Europe I really wanted to see if I would like to make the move a permanent one. The truth is I missed the USA and now know I will never move to another no.
It sounds like an amazing trip and I'm glad you got to go. Congratulations on going back to school.
Travel is an amazing experience and opens one up to so many things, including an appreciation of how others live and what their 'normal' is. I've travelled quite a bit and have had twinges of wanting to live somewhere else, but once I'm home, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
I lived in Germany for a little over 2 years right after high school; my Ex was in the Army and stationed there. We were in Mannheim, bout a half hour from the beautiful city of Heidleberg. We traveled Europe a little bit: two weeks in Italy, a weekend in Amsterdam, and MANY getaways to Bavaria (we couldn't afford France! LOL). We even skied the Zugspitz! . It was an awsome experience and I have some AMAZING memories, but I can tell you I kissed the ground when I got back to the States!
Click your heels and say three times "There's no place like home"!!